acoustic connections in the coffee house


Last night I sat with family, friends, and strangers in Cottage House Coffee shop in Newberg, Oregon. My nephew, Trevor Woods, performed a solo acoustic guitar and vocal concert featuring all original lyrics and music written by him. It was a small, intimate group, but it filled the room. And he owned the stage.

For 1 1/2 hours he entertained and ministered, leveraging spot on vocals with intelligent and thoughtful lyrics. As the evening progressed I gained a greater appreciation for his artistry in one sense, and his life journey in another. Although he is young, he has experienced much in life. Not least, he is gaining a wisdom birthed from an understanding of God’s infinite goodness and immeasurable grace.

So, for me it wasn’t simply an evening listening to my nephew perform. It was an opportunity to hear again the heartbeat of Jesus expressing his love for me and the world.

I applaud Trevor for putting himself out there as an ambassador for Christ. It inspires me to do the same within the context of my own gifts and interests. Perhaps God is prompting you, too. Off you go. The world needs to hear God’s story through your life and voice.

2 thoughts on “acoustic connections in the coffee house

  1. Thanks for sharing this. My favorite sound in all the land is the acoustic guitar. Add in a single male voice and I am mesmerized for hours. I am almost certain this love comes from hearing my dad sing and play guitar when I was a young girl (and he still does). So, like you, I appreciate both the artistry and God’s work manifested through music and lyrical perspective of the musician.

    Does your nephew write his own lyrics… express his story through his songs?

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